Rest Services

PC*MILER provides many useful services to enhance your mapping experience.
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There are two different location service functions, reverseGeocode and geocode The geocode services allows you to find the approximate coordinates for a given street address. The reverse geocoding service instead takes in a pair of coordinates and returns the approximate address on which that point is located.


The reporting service is capable of creating various different reports for a given route. The current report types to choose from are Milage, Directions, Detail, State, CalcMiles, LeastCost, and Geotunnel. There are also two different ways of obtaining these reports, one is to consume the service directly using the getReports function, and the other is to use the reportOptions parameter of the addRoute function on the routing layer.

Route Services

The routing services provide a way to obtain the specific route coordinates generated from a list of provided stops/pings. There are three different functions which allow us to do this, getRoutePath, getDerivedRoutePath and getDriveTimePolygon. Some services require a license for access to ALKMaps application.

Map Events

Through the MAP API service, the user can create map images based on URL parameters. We have two functions which allow us to do this. The maptile and the map. The map function can also be referred to as the simple map request.

Traffic Events

Through the Traffic API service, the user can create traffic images based on URL parameters. We have two functions which allow us to do this. The traffictile and the traffic.


Through the States API, the user can retrieve the state or countries for a region.


The weather resource allows the user to request a radar or satellite image (to be overlaid on a map image).


Through The POI API, the user can retrieve a list of POIs within a certain radius distance from center of point identified by lon, lat coordinates.